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Get the phone you want for less

With our custom plans, you can choose how much to pay upfront, and spread the cost of your monthly bill.

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What are custom plans?

We’re putting you in control, so that you can design a plan to suit your needs. Choose how much to pay upfront, and spread the balance for up to 36 months to keep the cost down – or choose as little as three months if you want to pay it off quicker. Then, simply pick your data allowance. You can even change it every month if that’s your style.

And now when you create your plan, you’ll also get to handpick an extra, on us. You can choose from a range of extras, including Amazon Prime Video, Audible and Calm. So, whatever you’re into, you’ll find something that’s a perfect fit for your free time. Find out more about extras.

This is all part of our award-winning O2 Refresh contracts, giving you more flexibility and more ways to make your plan perfect for you. Your Pay Monthly bill will still be split into two parts – your Device Plan is the cost of your phone or tablet, and your Airtime Plan is the cost of your data, texts and minutes. You’ll just need a monthly rolling Airtime Plan for the length of your Device Plan. Find out more about O2 Refresh.

Design your own plan

A mobile phone screen showing upfront cost on the O2 custom plans calculator

Choose your upfront cost

Decide how much to pay upfront and how much to pay monthly.




A mobile phone screen showing plan length on the O2 custom plans calculator

Choose your plan length

Go for anything from 3 to 36 months. The total cost of the device won’t change.


A mobile phone screen showing data allowance on the O2 custom plans calculator

Choose your data allowance

Select just the right amount of data for you. You can even flex it up and down every month.



Get started

Key features of our customisable plans